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The book of Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Quantum Nonstationary Systems can be downloaded for free at the website:


For convenience, below are given the links for the high- and low-resolution versions of the book, as well as individual chapters. 


Complete Book: high-resolution (39 MB)

Complete Book: low-resolution (10 MB)


See here for the purchase of a paperback version!


Chapters of the Book of Proceedings


  • Front matter

  • Preface and Contents

  • Chapter 1Alexandre Dodonov and Caio Cesar Holanda Ribeiro 
    About the Workshops on Quantum Nonstationary Systems

  • Chapter 2Viktor V. Dodonov and Alexandre Dodonov
    Adiabatic versus instantaneous transitions from a harmonic oscillator to an inverted oscillator

  • Chapter 3Sergei K. Suslov
    The “Sommerfeld Puzzle” and Its Extensions

  • Chapter 4J. Tito Mendonça
    Time-Refraction in Classical and Quantum Optics

  • Chapter 5V. I. Yukalov and E. P. Yukalova
    Regulating spin dynamics of dipolar and spinor atoms

  • Chapter 6D. Valente
    Quantum cloning in waveguide-QED inspired by nonequilibrium self-assembly

  • Chapter 7A. Vourdas
    Quantumness according to Grothendieck quantities in a single finite quantum system

  • Chapter 8Salomon S. Mizrahi
    Speed of disentanglement for a two-qubit system staged in a Minkowski space with compact support

  • Chapter 9Jean-Pierre Gazeau
    Quantum regularisations of metric tensors

  • Chapter 10Olavo L. S. F.
    Non-Hamiltonian Quantization Method

  • Chapter 11Tatiana Mihaescu and Aurelian Isar
    Dynamics of Entropy Production and Quantum Correlations in Two-Mode Gaussian Open Systems

  • Chapter 12A. Marinho and A. Dodonov
    Analytic approach for dissipative semiclassical Rabi model under parametric modulation

  • Chapter 13S. N. Belolipetskiy, V. N. Chernega, V. I. Grebenkin, and O. V. Man’ko
    The quantum states of inverted and usual oscillators and particle with spin-1/2 states in probability representation of quantum mechanics

  • Chapter 14Gwyn Wilson and Barry M. Garraway
    Propagation of Non-Gaussian Wave-Packets in Two Dimensions

  • Chapter 15Caio C. Holanda Ribeiro
    An exact solution for the quantum backreaction in a Bose-Einstein condensate

  • Chapter 16Margarita A. Man’ko and Vladimir I. Man’ko
    Probability distributions describing quantum states

  • Chapter 17Eric P. Glasbrenner, Yannik Gerdes, Sándor Varró, and Wolfgang P. Schleich 
    A different perspective on the Landau-Zener dynamics

  • Chapter 18Gustavo de Oliveira and Lucas Chibebe Céleri
    Thermodynamics of the dynamical Casimir effect

  • Chapter 19Ben Goren, Kamal K. Barley and Sergei K. Suslov
    Matrix Approach to Helicity States of Dirac Free Particles
    Download here a complementary Mathematica notebook supplied by the authors (updated on 29/06/2024)
    PDF version of the above notebook (updated on 29/06/2024)


Purchase of a paperback version


If you are interested in purchasing a paperback version of the Proceedings, please contact Alexandre Dodonov at a.v.dodonov (at) gmail.com for additional information. The payment can be done by credit card, wire transfer or PIX, and the book will be delivered by regular mail within 3-4 weeks.


Estimated price: 14 USD + mail + eventual wire transfer fees

